
Blog - Spiritual Care

~Ray Harris – Spiritual Care Coordinator

“Sunrise, sunset – swiftly flow the days”
This memorable tune from the musical Fiddler on the Roof comes to mind when I drive on to the Tabor Village campus: Tabor Home, Court and Manor are on “Sunrise Crescent” and Valhaven is on “Sunset Crescent.”

The beauty and promise seen in a glorious sunrise, and the nostalgic contentment of a glowing sunset inspire and soothes the soul.
At Tabor Village, spiritual care is a vital part of the community. Daily morning prayers, worship, songs of faith and stories are an important way to tune our hearts. One-to-one conversations and prayers also connect our spirits to our loving God. Praying with staff or family keeps the melody of faith on our hearts.

Henri Nouwen wrote, “Prayer leads you to see new paths and to hear new melodies in the air…”
Tabor Village is a community of prayer. Praying for the needs, concerns and hopes of its members, and also for our city, province and country, for those in leadership, for our world, for children, youth and educators – and so much more!

The account of Jesus’ Transfiguration (Luke 9:28-36) speaks of radiant light (Son-rise) of prayer and worship, and of the importance of listening to God’s voice. “This is my Son, my chosen one, listen to him.” Tradition has it that this mountaintop experience happened on Mount Tabor in Israel. A place of light, prayer and transformation * – Metamorphosis –

“Sunrise”, these blogs will share some of the stories and insights we are living into with our residents, families and staff at Tabor Village.

A sunrise fills our soul with hope and anticipation – take time to catch a sunrise soon.